Welcome! I’ve been a science writer since 2011, and full-time since 2016. In an era where new media are happily flourishing, I believe that the written word still is an essential medium for communicating science. And while AI can be useful, the touch of human thought is still necessary.
Because talking about science isn’t just popularizing, it isn’t just journalism, and it isn’t just information. It’s about creating culture; it’s about forging a small connection with the music of the cosmos.
In addition to numerous articles published in various national and international outlets, I have written a book, La malinconia del mammut (The Melancholy of the Mammoth), published by Saggiatore in November 2019.
The areas I enjoy covering the most include the interaction between science and society, the mechanisms and dysfunctions of scientific practice, biodiversity, evolution, and extinction. But I’m flexible: I have written about many fields, from medicine to astronomy.
A brief look at my life: I was born in La Spezia in 1981, graduated in Biotechnology from the University of Bologna in 2004. From 2005 to 2016, I worked as a researcher in structural biology of proteins (Bologna, Cambridge, Verona, Aachen). I earned two PhDs, one on experimental studies of protein biophysics (Bologna, 2008) and one on computational studies of membrane proteins (RWTH Aachen, 2016). I currently live near Aachen, Germany.
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